Hawai‘i Island Steel Guitar Festival


The 2025 Hawai‘i Island Steel Guitar Experience featuring the Hawai‘i Island Steel Guitar Festival wwill be held at the Mauna Lani, Auberge Resorts Collection, on Thursday through Sunday during November. Planning for the festival is ongoing.

In addition to the main concert and the resort's Twilight at Kalāhuipua‘a cultural program, the 2025 experience will also include school visits, workshops, Open Stage performances, a vintage steel guitar exhibit, and hands-on opportunities for festival guests.

Featured performers will be announced when they have been identified.

Both Friday's main concert and Saturday's Open Stage Performance are expected to be livestreamed on the Hawaiian Steel Guitar Showcase's Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.

The festival will be presented free to the public by the Mauna Lani, Auberge Resorts Collection and the Hawaii Institute for Music Enrichment and Learning Experiences (HIMELE) in association with the Ke Kula Mele Hawai‘i School of Hawaiian Music, with grants and support from corporate partners, and private donors. Support was also provided in part by the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA), through appropriations from the Legislature of the State of Hawai‘i or grants from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), and by the Laurence H. Dorcy Hawaiian Foundation.


Hawai‘i Steel Guitar Experience Poster
2024 Festival Poster